AGM last night

News from last night

Biggest change was the rise in subs by $5 to $60 and $43 for associate members to counter the losses incurred by lack of play and tournaments due to Covid shut downs

Lovely shared meal was had and June was fare welled in style

Phone Number updates

Now that we are all up and going again it might be a good time to check up that you have the correct versions of everyone's phone numbers

Dixie Horne                                  0278455453

Jenny Stanley-Clark                     02794551851

Mike Piper                                    021388394

Sadly we are closed until further notice

The bridge Club is currently closed and we have had to cancel our Daffodil Day tournament

However the intrepid daffy picking team still went out to No 2 Road where the family generously allows us to gather these lovely flowers - which have been passed on to the cancer Society to sell.  We will be also selling the remaining raffle tickets and donating that money to them as well

Vil's latest

X-Files 75
From Wednesday 29/7/20. If you want to do well at this game, you need to know how to defend
reasonably well. Having a good system of signalling on defence will get you a long way towards that.
This board was nearly always played in 4S by East. The bidding could have gone a number of ways but
the defence should have gone only one way. Yet, out of nine declarers in 4S, four made five, three made
four, and only two were down one, which is as it should be, given what should be a fairly routine

Board 13 Dealer N All Vul


X-Files 66

The declarer play problem I set earlier was a fairly simple ‘double dummy’ play problem but I made it sound more difficult than it was to make the reader think. Not one of the declarers (at our club) in 4H made twelve tricks. I believe that this hand should have pretty well played itself ‘at the table’.

Board 3 Dealer S EW Vul