Beginner's Lessons will start on Thursday, 6th March 2025, 7.00pm.
Cost $60 per person, includes membership for the year.
All enquiries please phone (or text): Rainy Creasy, 027 839 8618.
Or email: Te Puke Bridge Club,
The annual TE PUKE CHRISTMAS PARTY will be held on Saturday, 23rd November. We really encourage all members (new and old) to come along as it is a fun and happy day. At least one member of each pair MUST be a Te Puke Club member. For those who are nervous about playing in this tournament, it is the perfect tournament to play in, as 90% of the players are from our Club it is hardly any different to a regular Club night and a great way to meet other members, we have so much fun.
We meet at 9.30am at the Club for morning tea.
Supporting the Cancer Society - Sunday, 25th August (C Points).
Morning and afternoon tea supplied, bring your own lunch.
Entries to: Gloria Hawthorne, Phone: 07 573 7568, Email:
Where: 4 Queen Street, Te Puke
When: Morning Tea: 9.30am, Play Starts: 10.00am
Entry fee: $20.00 (or more) donation.
Come along for a wonderful day of Bridge and companionship for a good cause.
The Te Puke Bridge Club will be celebrating their 65th birthday on Sunday, 21 July. Arrival at the Club rooms from 11.30am for a Pot Luck lunch (finger food if possible please) followed by social bridge with drawn partners. After social bridge, there will be nibbles and drinks while socialising and memories of times gone by. There will be a small cake cutting ceremony. If you know of any past members who may be able to attend, please contact a Committee member for an invitation to give to them. We look forward to seeing you all, and some past members, on the day.
Beginner Lessons
Beginner lessons have been going well under the tutelage of Megan Richards. We will be welcoming them all into our regular sessions on Monday, Tuesday or Friday at the Club soon.
Bay Pairs - Open 5A Tournament
On Sunday, 23rd June, the Bay Of Plenty Pairs Tournament will be held at the Te Puke Bridge Club. Even if you have not played in the previous 3 rounds, you are most welcome to play on this day. Entries are now open.
Entry $15.00. Morning tea 9.30am, play starts 10.00am. Bring your own lunch.
Restricted Pairs Tournament
On 25th May we held our Restricted Pairs Tournament. A wonderful day, with many commenting on the lovely atmosphere. Winners of each section were:
Jnr/Jnr: Karyn Johns and Bob Kidd
Int/Jnr: Bryden Lane and Joe Brown
Int/Int: Gloria Hawthorne and Ray Oakes
Open/Int: Megan Richards and Marcus Dudley.
We thank other Bay Of Plenty, Waikato and Auckland Clubs for their support.
The Majestic Interiors Handicap Singles starts on Friday, 1 March, and is played over 5 days, each day with a different partner. One round may be missed. The winners are decided on the 4 best scores, scores averaged. Two Open players may not play together. Good luck everybody.
Holiday Bridge runs for 3 weeks on Friday, 12, 19 and 26 January . Convenor is Merle Field, assisted by Peter Wells. If you require a partner please contact Patti Spence or Rainy Creasy. Please note that subscriptions are due and can be paid by Internet banking to 03 0474 0471680 00, please put your name and computer number to assist the Treasurer on knowing who has paid. We look forward to seeing you there.
Beginner's Lessons will start on Thursday, 14 March, 7.00-9.00pm.
All enquiries please phone (or text): Rainy Creasy, 027 839 8618.
Or email: Te Puke Bridge Club,