Now the answer

Hi all

I am quite, well not shocked, but a least surprised, by many of the answers to what I thought would be a simple bidding question, but also one that had a different slant to it.

The question was what you would bid when partner opened 1NT. You holding was something like:



If you play transfers, which i presume we all do these days, there  is only one correct bid, and that is 2H. Then, when partner bids 2S, you bid 3D. That is why you play transfers, you get two bids for the price of one if needed. Whatever agreement you have with partner after the 3D bid is over to you but bwe can discuss that later if anyone is interested. You do NOT use Stayman with a hand like that, Stayman is for locating FOUR card suits and what are the chances that partner will have four spades?

But there was another reason I posed this problem, and I am pleased to have heard the answer i was hoping for from just one responder, who bid 4S because a transfer sequence would put both 3NT and 4S in opener’s hand, and the opening lead is far better coming round to this hand than through it. Unless you have a way to look for three card spade support by bidding spades yourself, which is unlikely with transfers, you can do what Russell would do and that is to bid 4S and take your chances that even if opener has only two of them, the advantage of the opening lead round to this hand will make 4S a better prospect than 3NT. I suspect that Russell’s other reason, which he did not mention out of modesty, was that he plays his hands better than partner!

Keep the questions coming folks!

And stay at home, no fishing trips!!!
