Successful, fun bridge lessons

The 2023 Lessons got off to a roaring start with 24 beginners attending the first night. The Apple cake and scones went down a treat for supper and it was  such a lovely atmosphere.  A couple of beginners were unable to make the first week but will be able to catch up next week. If you're interested  in learning this exciting game please phone Trish Kidd on 021415749 or Rainy Creasy on 0278398618 

2023 Welcome back everyone

Welcome back everyone

Another year of fun, games and friendship await us.

Te puke Bridge Club wishes you all smiles and laughs amid the tears as you remember our loyal friend,


Bridge for 2023 starts again this Friday afternoon, 3 February, and thereafter on Monday afternoon, 6

Tuesday Night 14/06/2022

Come along Tuesday June 14th for a delicious meal, drinks and an evening of Bridge. 6.00pm –

Food & drink (Flo’s corned beef) 7.00pm - Bridge.

Drawn Partner for June 14th & 21st . - Any ability - Time to discuss hands -

Focus on enjoyment, learning and inclusion - $5/plate plus drinks and the usual $5 table fee

The Tuesday Convenor is Valerie Brown: 07 573 7093 email: Let her know if you are

coming please !


Club officers

Patron: Janet Burrett.

President : Lorraine Creasy. 

Immediate Past President: Gloria Hawthorne.

Club Captain : Valerie Brown.

Secretary: Bev Nairn. 

Treasurer: Margaret McDonald. 


Bev Verkuylen.

Peter Wells. 

Jan Hill.

Patti Spence.

Partner Convener: Patti Spence.

Administrator: Joss Davis.

Almoner: Patti Spence. 

Tournament Secretary: Gloria Hawthorne. 


New Life member

Latest news form last week's AGM - June has been elected our newest Life member.

Congratulations June -  and thanks you for the years of work you have put in on our behalf.